For every app development, testing app performance is crucial. If the mobile app doesn’t perform well enough, it will lead to the end result - uninstalling of the app by the user, and finding another app that will perform better.
There’s a relationship between testing an app and adding features. You can test the app performance in the best way possible, but when the app has a lack of features or they’re not developed properly it will still give a bad app overall.
The same happens when you’ve created an app with cool, beautiful and handy features, but the testing hasn’t been on its best- this still produces a bad app overall.
Testing the app performance should be initiated as early so it can help avoid the poor performance, and it ensures that the user is happy and will continue using the app.
There is a protocol that big companies of mobile apps in Dubai use to test the performance and to add these features that go well together, and if you follow the steps one by one, be assured that you’ll get the end result of an app who’s going to be loved & used by the customers.
There are two sides of testing the mobile app performance:
On the server side- we need to test the response, delays on delivering messages or notifications, app crashes etc.
On the user side- we need to solve problems of memory space consumption, battery issues and loading speed.
Where to start?
First of all, we need to be familiar with the difference between native apps/ mobile web apps/ hybrid apps.
Native apps are created for use on a platform like mobile and tablet. They’re written in platforms like SDKs and are installed through an app store(Apple’s app store or google play).
Mobile web apps are not real apps, they’re more like websites, that in some ways look & perform like an app. The developers here use platforms like CSS, PHP or HTML, and they navigate to a specific URL and are accessible through Internet, Chrome, Firefox etc.
Hybrid apps are both: native and web applications. They’re part of the app store like the native apps, and they can be rendered in a web browser like the mobile web apps.
Our app design agency in Dubai has a way and a team for each method that we develop. For example testing the performance on mobile devices we focus on:
On the other hand desktop app performance test is based on a central processing unit.
What’s next?
Get to know what load testing and stress capacity are.
Load testing and stress capacity testing are professional types of performance testing that will help stimulate real load scenarios running around the mobile application.
Load testing checks how systems work under a number of virtual users that perform transactions for a period of time, and how the systems handle all that heavy load. You can also determine how to load performs, builds and sustains in the system.
Stress capacity works on a similar way, but here we challenge the upper limits of your app, by testing it on the extreme loads, how it performs under that pressure and how it recovers after returning on its normal stage.
When do we use Stress capacity?
App stress capacity testing is important on major apps that continuously have a lot of users or before major events like Black Friday or Cyber Money.
We recommend using stress testing once in a while, so you know your app capability and prepare for unexpected bugs.
What about application performance monitoring(APM)?
Application monitoring allows to look up for your app performance trends in a glimpse:
Furthermore , a good APM solution is all about telling you how good your app is performing and where do the app problems arise. Even better APM will show how these problems will affect your bottom line.
Mobile app agencies in Dubai gain significant benefits when a good APM delivers results in real time. When you identify the problem within minutes, it gives space to solve the problem faster, and it makes a huge difference in terms of minimizing lost revenue.
Alpha and beta testing
During the initial phase of developing, the app goes through an alpha testing process: an expert team of app development in Dubai, specialized to fix obvious bugs and glitches does all the work. The major problem here is that it’s hard to replicate every possible way of configuration & bug, that can occur when a group of users try the app.
Beta testing, tries the app & uses continuously for a period of time, and reports back any issues, bugs or even a good feedback about the app.
This can make you validate your app data faster, and confirm if the app is riding on the right direction and the app features are worth it.
In the end..
It’s crucial to dedicate some time to search and process all the information about testing an app performance.
What is more important , do not neglect the fact that this part of creating apps is just as important as designing and developing the app, because without all the testing you can end up with a bad app result, and you will disappoint the user.
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